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Reformer training at Fitness Incentive has been re-invented from the ground up with a beautifully redesigned studio, expanded class offerings, and even a Studio Reformer Membership!

Meet The Studio Reformer Instructors

“In 10 sessions, you’ll feel the difference; in 20 sessions, you’ll see the difference; and in 30, you’ll have a new body!”

Joseph Pilates himself, the creator of the Pilates Method, is credited with having made that observation about his revolutionary approach to fitness and mind/body transformation. Pilates is currently enjoying a renaissance of popularity in the fitness industry, particularly the Reformer, a specialized piece of exercise equipment that facilitates a wide range of exercises within the Pilates method. But there’s nothing trendy about Pilates at Fitness Incentive. We have offered both Mat and the Reformer varieties for years, and with our dedicated Reformer Studio space having recently gotten a beautiful upgrade, now is an opportune time to get to know our Reformer instructors, each of whom holds multiple credentials from accredited programs, a little better.

Sabrina Morici

“Very soon after I started,” says Sabrina Morici, “I joined a Pilates certification program because I loved it so much! I started teaching immediately after my certification program and have loved the work ever since.” The muscle-mind connection is foundational for Sabrina. “Mind, body, spirit…I am a mindfulness-focused trainer with all things that I do,” she says. “In Pilates, I help my students create a deep muscle-mind connection, which provides a better understanding of how you are using all the parts of your body to find more control in each movement. With that focus and control, the six principles of Pilates (centering, concentration, control, precision, breath, flow) all tie together while also calming the nervous system.”

Students can expect to leave any class with Sabrina feeling lighter, more aligned, more focused, and much calmer. “After a Reformer session with me, you will feel like you worked almost every muscle in your body without being out of breath,” she says. “Pilates is about versatility! If you have an injury, Pilates can ease tension and help with the healing process. For osteoporosis or arthritis, Pilates can help strengthen the muscles around your bones, and if you have poor posture or back pain, we can strengthen your back and core to straighten you. All the while, Plates excels at easing any struggles with depression or anxiety. Ask your Pilates instructor, no matter what you need to work on!”

Sabrina Locovare

“I fell in love with Pilates years ago,” says Sabrina Locovare. “I’d been used to doing high-impact workouts, but my joints didn’t love it the way my heart did, largely due to psoriatic arthritis. Pilates to the rescue! Pilates gave me a much-needed connection to my body that I never thought possible, both in my own practice and as an instructor. In particular, I love sharing the beauty of breath work because of the role it plays in helping to connect each movement and trigger all those tiny muscles deep in the core.”
The very first time Sabrina worked on the Reformer, her soul was hooked. “I knew I wanted to share this amazing practice with others who want to be the healthiest, strongest versions of themselves inside and out!” she declares. “The beautiful burn you feel with each and every workout on this amazing apparatus is like no other.”

Sabrina is powerfully motivated by the completeness of Reformer. “Every session strengthens and stretches the entire body,” she says. “My teaching style is very focused on breathing and steady, deliberate movements with complete control and concentration. I have clients ranging in ages from teens to their 70s, and every single person experiences the perfect workout for their bodies — even when working in groups. They never want to dismount and crave to come back for more! It also helps that group sessions are limited to up to 4 members at a time, which keeps the sessions intimate and helps me focus on the proper form of each individual.

My love for and belief in the principles of Pilates are constantly confirmed and reinforced by the results realized by my amazing students!”

Paige Bachety

“I found Pilates about seven years ago when I was training as a NASM personal trainer,” says Paige Bachety. “I fell in love with Pilates on the mat, but the Reformer really took my practice up a notch (or 10!).” Paige credits the Reformer with helping to change her attitude toward exercise. “For so long,” she says, “I believed if I didn’t leave a workout dripping in sweat, it didn’t “count.” I tried every workout in the book and never saw or felt much change in my body. However, once I learned about low-impact exercises like Pilates, I felt my body settle into itself, and my attitude toward exercise changed. I no longer felt the stress of ‘OMG how/when/where am I going to get my workout in today?!’ – it all feels so much more fluid and comes from a place of ease.” Paige’s ‘place of ease’ was transformational. “Once I let go of the stress of forcing my exercise, my body changed. I am leaner, stronger, and more mobile than ever. Pilates was my gateway to low-impact exercise, and I encourage everyone to look for the modality that brings them this feeling of ease. I work with students of all levels and love to share my love with those who have never tried Pilates. It changed my life! (Does this sound cultish? I swear, it’s not a cult!) I also love working with advanced students who want to go deeper into their practice and refine their form.”
Paige also notes the impact Reformer practice has had on other forms of exercise. “The Reformer adds resistance and challenges your core in entirely different ways, and I feel 2 inches taller every time I finish a workout. It is also a great compliment to the rest of my regimen. I have seen noticeable improvements in my other workouts (HIIT, strength training, etc.) due to proper muscle recruitment, posture, and improved mind-body connection. I take Cor and Jourdan’s group classes every week, and I swear I’ve never performed better!”

Linda Cunningham

“I began taking Mat Pilates classes at FI in 2004, after the birth of my second son,” says Linda Cunningham, “with certification following in 2010.” As with so many instructors, the Mat was merely the beginning of Linda’s Pilates journey. “It was in that same year,” she says, “that I began taking Dina’s Reformer classes and, again, immediately responded positively to this new level of Pilates training. Working on the Reformer challenged me to reach for new physical levels while strengthening my core and helping me adjust to various body changes/injuries that I’d been incurring over time. I absolutely loved everything about it and, quite honestly, have never felt stronger.” Fast forward to the Summer of 2021. “Due to my love for and positive experiences on the Reformer, I decided to become certified,” she says, achieving that goal in the Fall of 2021.”

Linda really responds to how Reformer training can be individualized. “I approach each class with a specific format, depending on who is in attendance,” she says. “I am there for the benefit of the client and work hard to strongly encourage, educate, and challenge all clients to reach for the best of their personal ability. There is NO judgment while I am instructing!”
It was Linda who quoted Joseph Pilates in the opening remarks of this essay (“10 sessions…20…30”). “I have witnessed this transition with clients who are diligent and consistent with their Reformer practices,” she says. “All you have to do is show up, settle in, and listen to my cues! You can expect to work hard but also have fun!”

“While I’m not new to mat Pilates,” says Nicole Hayes, “the Reformer was something I was introduced to rather recently, prior to getting my certification. It was something I was very intrigued by but admittedly also slightly intimidated by. After becoming more familiar and comfortable with it, I have grown to appreciate it so much. My beginning practices with the Reformer were with Dina,” she continues, “which I am so grateful for since she gave me such a thorough and in-depth teaching. She instilled in me a deep understanding and passion for the Reformer and Pilates in general, which I wish to share with others.”
As with many Reformer devotees, Nicole was inspired by the variety it offers. “There’s really an endless amount of exercises for every part of the body,” she says. “There is just no limit to what you can achieve. That versatility, along with knowing how far I can continue my personal practice—challenging myself, learning and growing, becoming more knowledgeable and consistently improving—is what I love about it.”
As an instructor, Nicole considers herself a classicist. “My primary goal is to adhere to the core Pilates principles, using a classical approach as my foundation. However, in today’s world, there are so many unique and modern approaches to the Reformer—it has become immensely popular—that I think adding more modern exercises to a class is a fun and different alternative to just the standard foundational/fundamental exercises. So, my long-term goal as I grow as a Pilates instructor is to learn to properly and effectively balance each class with a mix of classical and modern elements. Those taking my classes can expect a fun, laid-back atmosphere where they will not only learn about the Reformer and its benefits but also about their bodies and how Pilates can improve their everyday lives.”

Dina Voigt
Dina Voigt

“I have been teaching both Mat and Reformer Pilates since the 1990s,” says Dina Voigt. A car accident in 1992 had almost convinced her that she would never be able to practice Yoga or spin or work out again, let alone teach, but her resolve saw her through. “I was on a mission because I knew about the healing benefits of Pilates,” she says. “Through working with an amazing private Pilates trainer who had studied directly under Joseph Pilates himself, I found myself healed on so many levels. My body changed from the inside out — Pilates had truly saved my life. I knew I had to share this amazing experience with others, and that began my teaching journey.”

It was a journey that would eventually bring Dina to Fitness Incentive. “I started here in 2000,” she says, “eventually becoming manager of the yoga and Pilates programs. Through it all, I was very eager to start a Reformer program, and in 2005, we brought in Allegro Reformers. They were revolutionary and directly led to the creation of our dedicated Reformer Studio. The Studio is still thriving all these years later, offering private and semi-private Reformer sessions. It’s a unique, professional, intimate, transformational experience for each student.”
Dina’s vast experience incorporates both foundational fundamentals and modern approaches. “I have always been very particular about how Pilates is taught, and I remain connected to the classical lineage — committed to the original genius of Joseph Pilates while inviting in some contemporary innovations. These Pilates Principles, which include centering, concentration, control, precision, fluidity, and breath work, offer incredible health benefits that no other movement modality can accomplish.”

As practiced by Dina (and all FI’s Reformer instructors), Reformer contributes to more than just a lean, toned body. The mind/body connection of Pilates heals and positively affects the fascia system, the organs, the brain, the respiratory and immune systems, and especially the nervous systems,” she says. “You can do anything and call it Pilates, but that does not make it Pilates. You can use a Reformer for exercise and get a great workout, but you never actually receive the full measure of what true Pilates can attain. With Pilates, the sky is the limit! It will connect your mind and body and teach your body an entirely new way of being and moving.”

About The Author

Paul Smith
  • Paul Smith

Paul Smith manages member communications and graphic design for Fitness Incentive and Incentives Spa. He is a frequent contributor to Fit to Print.

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