“Horizontal Jumping?! You may be asking why anyone would horizontally jump when it’s most common to do so in an upright position with movements such as jumping jacks and sprinting. The advantages begin with creating less impact on the body’s joints.
- Linda Cunnigham

Defying Gravity
Jumping into Reformer
Joseph Pilates and his wife, Clare, established the first Pilates reformer studio in New York City back in 1923. Today, over a century later, this unique core-based program has become a household name, with references popping up in our daily lives. It’s so popular that it even made its way into a Saturday Night Live skit. This rich history and widespread recognition testify to the enduring appeal and effectiveness of Joe’s remarkable invention, the Pilates reformer.
There are many components of a Pilates reformer program. One in particular that I’d like to talk about is the Reformer Jumpboard. When people who are not deeply familiar with the program think of mat Pilates/ Pilates reformer/Pilates tower, they envision a slow, controlled workout, focusing on stretching the hamstrings, elongating the spine, and strengthening the core. They would not be wrong with this interpretation. However, the workout can encompass many more components. Enter the Jumpboard, a padded board that attaches to the lower end of the reformer, providing a nice-sized platform for horizontal (laying on your back) jumping.
Horizontal Jumping?!
You may be asking why anyone would horizontally jump when it’s most common to do so in an upright position with movements such as jumping jacks and sprinting. The advantages begin with creating less impact on the body’s joints. Depending on the movement, variable spring loading is used to reduce the negative effects on the knee joints, the spine, etc. Jumpboard also improves coordination, as you’re mimicking upright moves such as jacks and single-sided jumps while lying on your back. Jumpboard has become an alternative for those who no longer participate in cardio-focused classes due to injury, injury prevention, or simply their preference.
Burn Baby, Burn!
Jumpboard classes can also include the use of hand and ankle weights, Pilates rings, and balls, keeping them challenging and entertaining for students. A typical caloric burn is up to 300 calories per class. Again, this is a typical number and could increase or decrease depending on the student’s body weight and effort.
One final benefit of Jumpboard is that you will be engaged the entire class. It’s nearly impossible for it not to be. But why don’t YOU be the judge and come try a class? Jumpboard, Jumpboard Express, and Jumpboard Interval Classes are currently on the FI schedule with all of our amazing Pilates reformer instructors. If you’d like additional information, please email me at Pilates124@icloud.com or ask for me at the front desk.
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About the Author

Linda Cunnigham
Linda Cunningham is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer, AFAA Group Instructor, AAAI/ISMA Pilates Instructor, AAAI/ISMA Kids Fitness Instructor, and also certified in Zumba.