Fit to Print . Spring 2022 . Volume 31 Number 1
“It’s not the strongest or most intelligent of the species that survives but the one that’s most adaptable to change.” – Charles Darwin, On the Origin of the Species.
Two years ago, our world was upended in ways that few, if any, of us could have anticipated. It left us with little choice but to adapt. So we hunkered down and fell into a digital world characterized by virtual replicas of our real-world experiences. It was better than being completely isolated, for sure, so we adapted, and then we got used to it, and then we started to almost prefer it. So much easier. Stay in your pajamas and hop on to a Zoom call. Order take-out, watch Netflix, ride your Peloton once in a while…it was the “new reality.” But the new reality had a dark side. We got lazier, fatter, less healthy, and, ironically, more susceptible to being preyed upon by things like C19. Well, all mediocre things eventually must come to an end, and I submit to you that now is the time to “get real,” leave the metaverse and relocate our minds and bodies back in the actual universe. In fact, that’s going to be my theme: Get Real! Let’s take fitness, for obvious reasons. After two years of do-it-yourself and virtual workouts, it’s time to get back to real instructors, real trainers, and real friends – people who actually know and care about you – and get back to some real fitness, real health, real interactions. I know many of you agree, as we’ve seen an influx of former members returning in the past couple of months. Hopefully, it’s just the start of a real renaissance. Whatever has been keeping you away, we hope you’ll be re-joining us shortly. It’s real, and it’s better together.

The Perfect Gateway
If you are considering coming back, here’s a perfect re-entry: The annual Beach Body Fitness Challenge. Last year, we re-tooled the contest from a “Fantastic Four” to a “Dynamic Duo” and discovered that we like the format better! Other than that, the basics remain unchanged: 8 weeks of personal training with your partner, twice a week. The assessments are still performed using our In-Body body composition analyzer, and the scoring is still based on losing body fat and gaining lean muscle mass. And the results are still amazing – perhaps better than ever, as our new trainers and contestants have truly embraced the concept of healthy weight loss. If you’re about to come back, or even if you’ve been back for months and are looking for a little something to get you over the fitness hump, the challenge is something you should strongly consider.
Sign-ups are underway and end March 26th. The contest itself commences in April. You can learn more here. Here’s your chance to truly get real – don’t miss it!
Lots of New
Here’s another sign that we’re emerging from the darkness: new classes, new faces, new equipment. Ahhhh. It feels like spring!
We’re happy to report that we have recently added several new trainers, instructors, and classes. We’ve been especially focused on rebuilding the evening schedule and adapting (that word again) it to the new mix of work from home and commuting. Nighttime is truly the right time for classes, including Rebounding, Cycling, Elevated Training, Street Beats, Hot Yoga, HIIT, Mat Pilates, Pump & Jump, Cardio Kickboxing, YinYasa Yoga, Sculpt, Warm Vinyasa. And these classes are taught by some of our top instructors, including Kelly Wallace, Victoria Culmo, Jenn Fraglia, Christina Puccio, Monica Sacco, Linda Cunnigham, and more! We’re also reviving an old favorite – 6-pack Ab Attack with TJ. The bottom line is this: If you’re sitting home waiting for nighttime classes, well, your time has arrived.
In addition to our expanding class schedule, we’ve added some new equipment – a TK Star Multi-Station has been added to the free-weight room – and relocating some others. For example, we’ve moved the Cybex Functional Trainer to the main weight-room floor. (If you didn’t know we had a Cybex Functional Trainer, well, that’s why we moved it!) And there’s more…
More New Trainers!
In our last Event Calendar email, we introduced you to Monica and Alexis (above), the newest additions to our PT team. Monica is a familiar face to many, as she is a very popular instructor. Alexis is new to FI, but comes with a bevy of PT knowledge and experience. Rebuilding our PT staff has been one of our biggest post-C19 challenges, and we are very proud and excited about our new team of trainers. You can learn more about them by clicking here: Monica Alexis

A Few Notable Programs
Take a quick look at the “What’s Happening at Fitness Incentive” page from time to time. We announce all of our special programs there. We have several interesting ones coming up this month, including a Happy Hour Yoga series with Dr. Ron, Fit Cheer (for kids) with Bre Hyer, a Posture and Stability Workshop with Dina, and a Sports Strength program with one of our newer trainers, Sean Horan. There’s always something happening, so be sure to check in from time to time.

Put This to Rest
So you’ve probably heard the rumors – we certainly have! FI’s building has been sold; they’re going to be kicked out and forced to close. I heard a brewpub was going into the space. Really? I heard it was Uncle Guiseppe’s! No, no, no – I heard it’s going to be a different gym…or is it a bowling alley? Why not a new home stadium for the Islanders? As with many rumors, it starts with a germ of truth – yes, there is a new owner of our building – and then grows through conjecture into false “facts,” spread by someone who claims to “know” or wishes it were so. The speculation is that the new owners must want to get rid of us. Well, sorry to disappoint the rumor mongers, but they don’t. They would like us to stay and thrive for many more years, and that’s exactly, with your help, what we intend to do. We ain’t goin’ nowhere, folks. (Jourdan’s already started training Quinn at the front desk.😉)

Remember, It’s Time to Get Real!
Enjoy Your Spring!
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