“Rather than simply chasing symptoms in an endless cycle of trial and error, an FDN Practitioner will help you to understand why those symptoms are happening in the first place.”
- Mary Tufano

My name is Mary Tufano, and I am a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner (FDN-P) and founder of The Root Cause Solution, a full-service diagnostic lab testing company. Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioners are health detectives. We run non-invasive, state-of-the-art laboratory testing to help identify hidden stressors and dysfunctions that interfere with your health. With a clinical correlation between your symptoms and health history, we can uncover the root causes of dysfunction in the body. Rather than simply chasing symptoms in an endless cycle of trial and error, an FDN Practitioner will help you to understand why those symptoms are happening in the first place. We will work to connect the dots between your lab work, health timeline, lifestyle, and symptom history, then compile all of these details to find the drivers of stress in the body and identify healing opportunities. Here’s how the process works:
Step 1 – THE DISCOVERY – A comprehensive assessment of getting to know you and your health concerns.
Step 2 – THE PLAN – We use in-depth diagnostic lab testing and analysis to find H.I.D.D.E.N. stressors in the body.
Step 3 – THE JOURNEY – We create a personalized healing plan using the D.R.E.S.S. for Health Success® program.
Diagnostic Lab Testing takes a deep dive look into the major organ systems in the body, including your:
Although The Root Cause Solution offers dozens of Lab test options for various health issues and concerns, our 5 Foundational Labs are:
- Stress and Hormone Panel
- GI Map
- Metabolic Wellness Panel (Digestion, Detoxification, Oxidative Stress)
- Mucosal Barrier Assessment (Intestinal Permeability, Leaky Gut, Allergies)
- MRT Food Sensitivity Test
What is discovered and uncovered are healing opportunities that are used to create a “D.R.E.S.S. for Health Success®” program that includes:
A healing protocol is custom designed specifically for you and your health needs, supporting the body’s innate ability to rebuild and restore, ultimately returning to optimal health.
My Background
Working in the wellness space is not new for me. I started my career at a health magazine shortly after college. The magazine focused on “holistic healthcare” and “alternative medicine,” concepts reserved for people who were considered “tree huggers” and “nature lovers.” For ten years, I worked alongside vegans and vegetarians who started their day saluting the sun and living as naturally as possible. It would be a few years before mainstream caught on and alternative medicine would work together with traditional healthcare, renaming the category to “Complementary Medicine.” Today, almost three decades later, Complementary medicine has evolved into Functional Medicine, making programs like FDN available for someone like me to create The Root Cause Solution. My FDN certification is established deep in biochemistry, learning how every major organ system in the body operates. It’s equivalent to a master’s degree and requires my re-certification every two years.
Although my experience and passion for health and wellness are the perfect fit for this journey, it was not the driver behind my pursuit. My decision to become an FDN-P came after my own personal health struggles. I suffered from severe gut issues around the time of Covid, which was the catalyst for me seeking and finding FDN. Now learning about the body and how it operates, in hindsight, I can identify health issues in every decade of my adult life, including a battle with IBS in my 20s, infertility in my 30s, and thyroid and adrenal fatigue/dysfunction in my 40s. Today in my 50s, I’m working on balancing my hormones and blood sugar.
As an FDN Practitioner, many people come to me as a last resort. They have “tried everything” and hit a wall. What they don’t understand is that they are often dealing with several levels of dysfunction in the body, and these complications remain hidden from view. These hidden stressors compound over time and create Metabolic Chaos®. Symptom-free living is simply not possible until these issues are identified and properly managed. Are headaches an aspirin deficiency? Is fatigue a caffeine deficiency? In other words, symptoms are not the problem; they result from the problem!
Our Approach
At The Root Cause Solution, we:
· Focus on a healthcare model, not a disease care model.
· Use a functional medicine approach, focusing on the whole person.
· Look for the root cause, not just chase symptoms.
· Bridge the gap between medical care and self-care.
· Apply a drug-free and natural protocol to healing.
Meet Isabelle
A great deal of planning, paperwork, and lab test analysis is needed for your personalized care, so I won’t be working alone. I am pleased to introduce Isabelle Sicoli (pictured) as Client Coordinator at The Root Cause Solution. Isabelle graduated Magna Cum Laude from St. Joseph’s University with a degree in Business Marketing. She comes with experience working in the fitness and health/wellness field. Isabelle is personable, outgoing, and eager to begin a career in functional medicine.
The Root Cause Solution is very excited to operate out of Fitness Incentive and offer our community comprehensive health testing. We will be open for business beginning Wednesday, July 5th. The hours are Tuesday, 10am to 7pm; Wednesday, 12pm to 4pm and Thursday, 9am to 6pm. Consultations are $175 for one hour and will cover Metabolic Chaos® Scorecard, Adrenal Stress Causes, and Lifestyle/Medical Health History. Call or text 631.629.9942 to book your appointment today!
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About The Author

Mary Tufano
Mary Tufano is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner (FDN-P) and founder of The Root Cause Solution, a full-service diagnostic lab testing company.