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“The results have surpassed any expectations I initially had. What began as a modest aspiration has blossomed into a remarkable journey of growth and achievement”
  • Kathy Doucette

Kathy’s LV+ Journey

You probably know Kathy Doucette. She has been a member of Fitness Incentive for as long as there has been a Fitness Incentive to belong to. She’s a fixture at the gym, sporting a broad smile and a great attitude; her dedication and persistence inspire anyone who knows her or even merely watches her. Recently, she had an opportunity to try something new at FI – the LV+ program developed by Giuseppe Ciccolella. Here’s what she has to say about her experience thus far:

The Discovery

I first learned about the LV+ training program by attending Giuseppe’s seminar. After he finished speaking, I approached him and explained my situation as a hemiplegic, expressing my desire for assistance. Impressed by my determination, Guiseppe called me the next day to discuss further. Just two days later, I began my training with Guiseppe.

My Goal

Pursuing this training journey stemmed from a desire to reclaim my sense of balance and mobility, which had been constantly challenged by my perpetual struggle to maintain equilibrium. Faced with the daily frustration of losing my balance and relying on a cane to navigate even the simplest of tasks, I recognized the urgent need to address this limitation. Participating in this training program is incredibly important as it offers a pathway toward enhancing my stability and mobility. By dedicating myself to this regimen, I am actively investing in my physical well-being, striving to regain control over my movements and ultimately fostering a greater sense of independence in my daily life.

Transformative Training

The outcomes of my training journey have been truly transformative. I’ve regained complete balance, allowing me to confidently navigate my surroundings without fearing stumbling or falling. My newfound strength and stability have unlocked a realm of possibilities in the gym, enabling me to engage in activities like weightlifting that were once beyond my reach. The persistent gait and limp that once hindered my movements has nearly vanished. Most importantly, this training has restored not only my physical capabilities but also my confidence. I now approach each day with a renewed sense of self-assurance, knowing that I possess the strength and resilience to overcome any obstacle that comes my way.

End Result – Happiness!

The results of my training have profoundly influenced my life, instilling numerous positive changes. Not only have I experienced personal growth in my physical abilities, but my family and friends have also noticed a significant improvement. They no longer worry about my physical capabilities, witnessing firsthand the positive impact of my dedication and hard work. Moreover, this newfound happiness radiates through every aspect of my life, fostering a sense of fulfillment and contentment I hadn’t experienced before. Overall, the benefits of my training extend beyond myself, positively impacting my relationships and overall well-being.

Beyond My Expectations

The results have surpassed any expectations I initially had. What began as a modest aspiration has blossomed into a remarkable journey of growth and achievement. Every milestone reached, and every challenge overcome has been a testament to the dedication and determination I’ve poured into my endeavors. With each passing day, I find myself exceeding boundaries I once thought were out of reach, continually pushing the limits of what I believed possible. This journey has not only transformed my skills but has also reshaped my perspective on what it means to strive for excellence. As I reflect on how far I’ve come, I’m filled with gratitude for the opportunities seized and the lessons learned along the way. Truly, my training has been an extraordinary adventure beyond anything I could have imagined.

What I Would Tell Another Member

If you’re considering training with Giuseppe, expect a tailored fitness program designed to help you reach your goals. Giuseppe will push you to your limits while providing support and motivation. Be prepared for a commitment to regular sessions and a focus on strength training, mobility training, and much more. It’s a journey that requires dedication and consistency, but the results can be transformative for your health and well-being.

Contact Giuseppe for a free consultation: or call: 1-917-817-8373

Interview by


Giuseppe Ciccolella

Giuseppe Ciccolella, NSCA-CPT, CSCS, MES, is an NSCA-Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialistand a certified Medical Exercise Specialist, as well as a USA-certified boxing coach. He has over 25 years of experience helping people of all ages and abilities achieve their wellness goals through personalized approaches to strength training, nutrition, injury rehabilitation, and prevention.

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