We’re proud to present the official results of the 2015 Fantastic Four “Fit for Summer Challenge.”
Contest Recap:
Teams of four competed to see who could achieve the greatest improvement to their fitness level. Fitness level was determined by taking four measurements: Body Fat Percentage, Waist-Hip Ratio, Resting Heart Rate and a 3-minute Step Test. Together, the results of these tests were input into a fitness evaluation program that determined each individual’s “percentile fitness rank” for their age and gender. The teams then trained as a group with a personal trainer twice a week for eight weeks after which they were reevaluated. The result of the first test – the starting percentile rank – was subtracted from the result of the second test – the finishing percentile rank – to determine the contestants individual improvement score. That score was then totaled for the team, and the team with the highest score won. Got that?
Congratulations to everyone that participated! In the Fit for Summer Challenge, there truly are no losers.
Note: 1st place teams and individual are highlighted in yellow took home $6000. Second place team and individual in green ($3400), third place team and individual in blue ($2400). Honorable mention to the fittest team is orange.
The team prizes were: 1st place: $6000. 2nd Place: $3600 3rd Place: $2400