Fit to Print . Holidays 2020 . Volume 29 Number 4
It Could Be Worse…
It Could Be Raining!*
*Mel Brooks, Young Frankenstein

We Find Ourselves Here…
These past few months have felt like an improbable script from a bad zombie apocalypse movie. It’s been difficult to keep a positive outlook in the midst of the global COVID pandemic and the torrent of depressing non-stop media coverage of it. Yet, here we are. I can’t help but reflect that we don’t have it so bad, really. Yes, we have lost loved ones and friends to the virus, but thankfully, most of us have either managed to avoid it or have been only mildly impacted by it. All you need to do is look back 100 years to realize how much worse it could have been. Our ancestors of that era dealt with a World War followed by a lethal influenza pandemic that took literally millions of lives. Yet, they made it through and came to flourished post-pandemic. Actually, flourish puts it mildly – they don’t call them the roaring twenties for nothing. And they did it without the vast array of tools wielded now by modern medicine. They had no hope for a vaccine, while we’ve seen not one, but several developed in under 10 months! So yes, it’s been tough. But we, as a nation, have been through worse and restored prosperity, and we will again this time. So we hang tough.
While we’re waiting for the vaccine and a gradual return to normal, Fitness Incentive has been busy adapting to the realities of the moment. As you’d expect, we’ve been meeting and exceeding all the safety protocols imposed by the state. It was strange at first, for sure, but we’ve all gotten used to it, and the impositions are modest and livable. The new “normal,” as they say.
Fitness: Like Your Life Depends On It
We’ve also been addressing how best to keep you active and fit while we wait this thing out. And let’s be completely honest – staying fit and healthy has never been more critical than it is right now. We’re facing down a virus that preys on those with “comorbidities” and weakened immune systems while barely bothering those who are healthy. And we all know how fundamentally important fitness is to a robust immune system, as well as keeping the various chronic conditions of our time – things like diabetes, heart disease, and obesity – at bay. So you need to keep moving, keep active, and not fall into the “fitness-can-wait” mindset. Of course, we’d like nothing better than to see you doing it at the gym. We’ve all suffered under the isolation of lockdown, and getting back together with the FI community is in itself therapeutic. But wherever you do it, do it. Your life actually may depend on it.
But I Hate Working Out In a Mask…

Many of you have expressed a desire to get back to the gym but are concerned about the masking requirements. We hear you. Two things: 1 – We have found that the mask you wear makes a big difference. There are several masks out there designed for working out, and they are significantly better than homemade or basic ones you might be using. Cor strongly recommends the Halo mask, which you can get by clicking here. Get one – make that two, so you can have one to wear while you wash the other. 2. – If you stay outside, you don’t have to mask up (although you certainly can). With that in mind, we have upgraded our outdoor facilities to allow us to hold outdoor classes and programs even during foul, cold weather. We’ve not only installed a partial enclosure around the carport, which blocks the worst of the wind, rain, and snow (while maintaining excellent ventilation), we’ve added a high powered electric heater to warm the space. Next, we’re installing exterior rubber flooring throughout the space, making it warmer and easier on the joints. Effectively, it’s a 12-month outdoor exercise facility – no masks required.
Why is this important? As the Mayo Clinic notes, “…when you’re outside, fresh air is constantly moving, dispersing these droplets. So you’re less likely to breathe in enough of the respiratory droplets containing the virus that causes COVID-19 to become infected. Being outside offers other benefits, too. It offers an emotional boost and can help you feel less tense, stressed, angry, or depressed. And sunlight can give your body vitamin D, too.” We agree!
Outdoor classes have proven to be a liberating option for many. They have remained well attended, even as we’ve plunged towards winter and the nastier weather it brings. If masking concerns you, give an outdoor class a shot.
The Floor Is Wide Open!
If classes aren’t your thing, there’s the open gym floor beckoning you home. Not only have we distanced the equipment, but we clean it incessantly. The gym’s capacity limits also mean the floor is uncrowded, with plenty of space between exercisers. The members have been exceptionally good at cleaning up after themselves and observing the other protocols. If that isn’t enough, we bath the entire space in virus killing UVC light every night at 2 am. In short, the place has never been cleaner. Period.
The Bottom Line
All we want for Christmas is you!
If you’re sitting on the fence, I encourage you to give it a try. Come back and see for yourself. If for any reason it doesn’t meet your standards, or you don’t feel safe or comfortable, we’ll put you back on freeze until you do. It’s that simple.
The Wisest Gift of All? More Than Ever…
You may not be thinking about it, but there’s never been a better time to purchase a Fitness Incentive Gift Card for someone. Admittedly, it will help support the gym in what is a difficult time for all small businesses. But the best reason is it will help the recipient build a fitter, more healthy body and mind. Has that ever been more important than now? And after spending months locked up at home inundated with zoom meetings, social media, virtual workouts, and the gloom-porn of 24-hour TV news, can you think of anything more uplifting and inspiring than to be out among real people again? Real people, like the FI community – the best community you could ever hope to return to. A more positive, upbeat, resilient, and determined group of people I have never encountered. You can get FI gift cards at the gym, of course, or online, instantly, by clicking here. This year, in addition to our regular memberships, we’re offering shorter-term memberships that are perfect stocking stuffers.
Or There’s the Gift of Relaxation…
On the other hand, you may be looking for a gift that just lets you unwind and forget the anxiety of the COVIDverse. We have that, too. Incentives Organic Spa & Salon, which has been open since June, has Gift Cards for services or products that have always been a favorite holiday gift – easy, thoughtful, and much appreciated. You can get your online in seconds or at the spa. Click here.
New Year Diet Reset
As we wave an anxious adios to 2020, it’s time to turn our attention to what will hopefully be a better year, 2021. Liz Keller, Eat Smart’s nutritionist, will be holding a New Year Diet Reset starting January 3rd. This is one of the most popular programs we offer; participants rave about it. Email her today to sign up: eatsmart@fitessincentive.com
It’s Gonna Get Ugly
Dig through your closet for your most repulsive Christmas attire and don it proudly for our annual Ugly Christmas Sweater Ride! There will be two this year, taking place on December 19th at 8 and 9:30 am. Prizes will be awarded for the ugliest sweaters. Do your worst!!
Photo Credits
I want to acknowledge and thank Vince Alongi for the cover photo for this issue, along with several others used throughout. He’s a pleasure to work with, and we highly recommend him for your photo needs. You can contact him at:
Beyond Words
It’s been the most trying year we can imagine, not only dealing with the general situation but seeing our business of 36 years shut down for 6 months; well, that was very hard to take. One reason we are still here, still optimistic, and still determined to rise, is you. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your friendship, loyalty, love, and unwavering support. We couldn’t do any of this without you. We know it and are thankful for it every minute of our lives. We look forward to seeing you back at FI in 2021! Have a happy and healthy holiday and a shining, fulfilling new year!
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